Financial planning & advisement

Let me help you discover how to overcome your financial fears and live the life you deserve.

why me?

Handling finances can be intimidating to many, but I am dedicated to ensuring that you not only understand what you need, but how you can reach your goals. As a CFP® professional, I will walk you through all phases of financial planning.

Many financial advisors stop with advice, but I am here to create a plan, facilitate, and monitor along the way. I can help you achieve your financial goals while providing peace of mind and confidence in your financial future.


  • Licensed life and health agent in NY able to provide whole life and term policies.

  • Tax planning is the process of analyzing a financial situation or plan from a tax perspective. The goal of tax planning is to ensure tax efficiency, which means minimizing tax liability and maximizing after-tax income. The process involves various strategies and considerations to achieve this objective

  • Budget management involves planning, estimating, allocating, tracking, and controlling the financial resources required for the successful completion of a project. Managing cash flow to ensure that there are adequate funds available to meet debt payments on time.

  • Debt management refers to the strategic handling and control of debt obligations to effectively manage their financial resources and liabilities.

  • Financial planning involves several key steps to help individuals or households manage their finances effectively. Contact me if you need help narrowing your needs.